Snowbird - Informal. a person who vacations in or moves to a warmer climate during cold weather.
Also known as Q-tips. (We didn't make that one up, one of
them told us that.)
Also the reason (
OK, I'm 90% sure this is true) our car insurance rates are so high.
Don't believe me? You think it's because there are so many uninsured drivers out there? Well, I can prove it.
I'll give you a couple of examples.
You know it's snowbird season out here when you start seeing people making left turns without moving into the center turning lane.
On the
flip side of that is the ones who just drive in the turning lane, because they have no clue.
They're also the ones who drive about 15 mph less than the speed limit and
almost come to a complete stop while making a right turn.
They stop in the middle of the street when they get lost, which causes a traffic jam.
I once had a lady pull up behind me while I was delivering the mail (outside of my vehicle), and as she went to get out of the car her "accelerator stuck" and the car came up over the curb and ran into the corner of the building that was next to the mailboxes. If she had straightened out her wheels she would have probably ran me over.
Seth had a lady run into him in his mail truck, in a parking lot!
And the icing on the cake.....
They don't understand traffic lights! It's not uncommon at all to see a car stopped in the middle of an intersection because the light that is on the median turned red before the light on the far side of the intersection and they didn't want to run the light. It may not make a whole lot of sense, so I drew you a diagram). Unfortunately we never seem to be in the right circumstance to take a picture of one of these people, but I just saw one yesterday, and I'm sure it's just the beginning........

(we're not sure who the genius at
ADOT was that decided there should be 2 sets of stoplights for one intersection, but we all think it would save some trouble if they just took out the one in the median)